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About Kern LAFCo

Kern Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) is responsible for the coordination of logical and timely boundary changes in cities and special districts to encourage orderly growth with efficient delivery of services. This includes conducting special studies along with sphere of influence reviews. LAFCo is responsible for conducting the formation and dissolution of special districts and the incorporation and disincorporation of cities. The determination of which services of a special district are active and inactive.

Overall, Kern LAFCo is tasked with balancing the needs of 11 cities, 98 independent special districts and 80 County Service Areas. These responsibilities include consideration of the unique mixture of agriculture, industrial and fast-growing housing all while considering the preservation of ag land and water resources. This is accomplished with a staff of three full-time and one part-time employee. The Kern LAFCo Commission has nine seated members; two from the Board of Supervisors; two from the cities at large (on a rotating schedule); one from the City of Bakersfield; two from the Special Districts (chosen by election) and two members from the public.  There are also five alternates.  

Legal Authority 

Established December 10, 1963, pursuant to provisions of Chapter 1808 enacted by the 1963 California Legislature and Section 56000 (prior code 54780, et seq.) of the Government Code; pursuant to LAFCo Resolution 99-11, the membership was increased to add two special district members and one special district alternate; January, 2006, pursuant to Government Code Section 56328.5, membership was increased to add one member and one alternate from the City with the largest population and one member and one alternate public member who is not a member of the governing body of any local agency.

Membership Qualifications 

Fifteen (15) members including six (6) alternates: 

  • two (2) representing the County and appointed by the Board of Supervisors from their membership and a third Supervisor who shall be an alternate member
  • two (2) representing the cities in the county and one (1) alternate member, each of whom shall be a city officer, appointed by the City Selection Committee and one (1) alternate member.
  • one (1) member representing the general public, and one (1) alternate member, appointed by the other members of the Commission
  • two (2) representing the special districts of the county, and one (1) alternate member, each of whom shall be a special district member, nominated and elected by the special districts
  • one (1) representing the city with the largest population and one alternate, appointed by the legislative body of that city
  • one (1) representing the general public but shall not be a member of the governing body of any local agency and one (1) alternate, appointed by the four (4) members of the commission appointed by the county supervisors and the independent special district selection committee

Four-year staggered term, with the exception of the City Selection Committee Alternate Member, which shall serve a two-year term, all terms to expire on the first Monday in May of the term year.


It shall be the responsibility of the Commission to review and approve or disapprove with or without amendment, wholly, partially or conditionally proposals for the incorporation of cities, formation of special districts, annexation of territory to local agencies, exclusion of territory from a city, disincorporation of a city, consolidation of two or more cities, and the development of a new community.


$100 per meeting.

Ethics Training 

Pursuant to State law, on or after January 1, 2006, any person newly appointed shall successfully complete a course in ethics training approved by the Fair political Practices Commission and Attorney General. Each member is required to complete this training every two years.

Required Documents/Training 
  • Loyalty Oath required
  • Form 700 (Statement of Economic Interests) required; filed with Agency
  • Ethics training required; training provided by Agency